
The North Coventry Fire Company is staging its annual fair from Monday July 2 through Saturday July 7.  Additional details can be found at:

Their fireworks program is scheduled for FRIDAY July 6, starting at 10:30 PM.  The rain date, if needed, is Saturday July 7 also at 10:30 PM.  As in the past, our pool will remain open until 11:00 PM to accommodate families wanting to view the fireworks.  Given that the lighting in the pool area is somewhat limited, please use extra caution after dark.

Please also note that with the exception of supervised public displays (as above) the sale and use of fireworks in North Coventry Township is prohibited by the Township.





Help!   Thinking about taking a dip in the pool this summer?


Please consider volunteering to help out with the pool!  It would take approximately 10 minutes of your time once a week.  We need at least 14 volunteers to make this work.   Currently, we have 6 volunteers.  So, please consider helping out!


If you can volunteer in any way or want to find out more, please contact Denise Frosty at


Have a power washer?  We really need help power washing the deck and bathrooms around the pool.  This can be done any time prior to Memorial Day weekend.


Yard Sale Leftovers

Any leftovers from the yard sale that you wish to donate can easily be done through Green Drop.  On Tuesday May 8 Green Drop is scheduled to be on site between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.   All donations must be marked Purple Heart.

They do not accept any large furniture and or large TVs. They will however accept flat screen TVs. They will also leave a receipt at every home that donates for tax purposes.

If your door is hard to see we suggest leaving your bag marked Purple Heart on the sidewalk.

Save the Dates

Saturday May 5 will be the spring Yard Sale at Coventry Pointe.   Just in time to clear out surplus stuff that you may have accumulated over the winter.  The sale usually gets under way at 7 AM.  As previously, the organizer is Jacklyn Randolph.  Jacklyn or her helper will come around in late morning to visit with each seller.  Costs are spread evenly over the number of sellers participating and usually amount to around $5.00 each.

Thursday May 17 is Coventry Pointe’s Annual Election Meeting at 7 PM in the township building.  All homeowners are encouraged to attend if at all possible.  Last year’s turnout was so small we were unable to achieve a quorum.  If you are unable to attend, please at least send in your proxy ballots which will be mailed to all homeowners shortly.


Lamp Post

By now you will have noticed that one of our lamp posts in the median strip at the entrance to our community was hit by a vehicle sometime during the night of Sunday/Monday December 2/3.  This incident has been reported to the North Coventry police department.  We do not yet have an estimate of the costs to replace and install the lamp post but we are working to have this repair done as soon as possible.

In the meantime, we would appreciate everyone being on the lookout for any vehicle on site with damage to the front end that would correspond to this type of impact with a black metal post.  If you see a vehicle like this, please contact the North Coventry police department with your information. (610-323-8360)  Please do not approach a suspicious vehicle or driver as the North Coventry police will take care of any investigation and treat your information anonymously.

Please slow down and exercise more caution than usual when entering or exiting our community as lighting in the entrance is very limited.